AMER Technologies has been in business of Planning, Execution and Commissioning of Vermi- compost and is one of the pioneer researcher and producer of Vermi-compost in the North-East India. Our Motive is to make the environment clean and green and to build a healthy product for healthy environments.
The Biggest challenge in India nowadays is Waste Management. Excessive uses of Chemicals and Fertilizers on Agriculture, Tea Gardens, Farms etc. which causes serious soil degradation. Vermi-Compost and Organic Compost is the solution to make the environment sustainable.
Solid waste management systems currently receive wide attention, from both economic and environmental planners, because of their complexity during coordination of various management strategies. The Apshisht Management and Environmental Research Pvt. Ltd. (AMER) has a multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals in the area of solid waste management , liquid waste management and Environmental engineering. The AMER has more than 15 years of experience/expertise in efficient and cost effective project engineering, consultation and technology development.
Planning, Execution and Commissioning of Vermi-compost and Organic Compost Plants.
Planning and Implementation of Integrated Solid Waste Management for Town and Cities.
Designing and Operation of Biogas Plant (Small and Large Scales).
Preparing DPR For Corporation, ULB’S, Panchayat, and District Administration for implementation of ISWM.
Providing Training to Govt. Authority, Private Companies, NGO’S, Students, Community person etc. regarding ISWM
Collaborative work with Municipal Corporation and Panchayat for Community Development related to Solid Waste Management